
Resanta SAI-200AD

RESANTA SAI-200 AD AC/DC is a modern inverter argon arc installation that allows operation on both direct and alternating current, where removal of oxides from the surface to be welded is required. The use and development of inverter technology in welding significantly reduces the weight and size characteristics. Therefore, our AC/DC welding machines are lighter and more efficient than traditional ones.

Main welding methods:

  • Alternating current welding with a non-melting electrode in a protective gas environment, aluminum, magnesium alloys, copper alloys of large thicknesses (TIG AC mode). Welding is carried out by alternating current in an argon medium.
  • Direct current welding with a non-melting electrode in the environment of protective gas, carbon and stainless steels, copper, titanium (TIG DC mode). Welding is carried out by direct current in an argon medium.A distinctive feature of the considered types of welding (TIG AC/DC) are two main components: a non-melting electrode and a protective gas (argon).
  • SPOT welding allows you to quickly and efficiently connect sheets of metal structures using local current of a certain strength and heating of the workpieces to be welded. In those areas where the electrodes touch the metal, it melts.


Welding method MMA, TIG
Type of power supply Inverter
Source voltage 220 V
Permissible voltage deviation 10 %
Frequency 50 Hz
Number of phases 1
Power consumption 6.8 kW
Minimum welding current 10 A
Maximum welding current 200 A
Maximum diameter of the electrode/wire 1.5 - mm
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